Presented by

  • Peter Chubb

    Peter Chubb

    Peter started using Unix in 1979; had his first open source contribution (to add Australian spelling rules to International iSpell) in 1987. Since then he has contributed to many open source projects, including the Linux kernel. Peter runs his own home network, websites and mailserver; he also maintains the Trustworthy Systems email and web systems; but his primary role is as researcher and mentor at UNSW.


Email is a basic service we all tend to take for granted. Many big companies provide email as a service, for free, to customers ,and to the general public. Why do they do this? Personally I'd rather not depend on the (dubious) generosity of Google, Microsoft, Apple, or the like; I'd rather have email that's under my control as far as possible. I can't control what they do with email sent from or to such domains; but I _can_ control where my email is stored, who can access it, and where and when it is sent. So what does it take to run a mailserver? I'll go into the detail of my own setup (which involves working around my ISP's firewall), explaining the difficulties I keep running into to ensure that email keeps getting to its destination, and that my own family isn't drowned in spam.