Presented by

  • Lee Rowlands

    Lee Rowlands

    Lee (larowlan) has been contributing to Drupal for over 15 years ( Lee is a major Drupal 8/9/10 contributor, starting the #PatchADay campaign which saw him contribute one patch a day for almost two years. Lee is been part of the Drupal core committer team in the role of Framework Manager, a member of the Drupal security team and passionate about code quality. Lee has worked on several of Australia's largest Drupal sites during his nearly 12 years as a Senior Developer with one of Australia's oldest Drupal agencies: PreviousNext.


People's circumstances change and their level of contribution fluctuates accordingly. How we manage these changes as open source projects matters. How do we deal with the loss of expertise? Are we doing enough to recognise former contributors? Are we providing options for them to keep in touch with the project as their circumstances change? Are we making sure they can easily return to the project in the future? This session will ask some questions of your project and present ideas for managing the transition of contributors. Hopefully you will leave the session with some possible action items to help your project improve relationships with former contributors.