Presented by

  • Donna Benjamin

    Donna Benjamin

    Donna Benjamin is the maintainer, and product owner for the Open Practice Library and a passionate advocate of Free and Open Source Software. For some decades, Donna has been the glue for many successful organisations, teams, and individuals. Her volunteer work has been instrumental in helping open source organisations to upsize (and sometimes downsize) as they mature with their communities. Donna facilitates success, and her work is valued by companies of all sizes (from the micro to enterprise). She is a recipient of Linux Australia’s Rusty Wrench Award in recognition of her contributions, and is currently a Senior Engagement Lead in Red Hat's Open Innovation Labs. She also continues to run her own tiny business called Creative Contingencies.


Code, config and content migrations are challenging exercises. All too often they can feel like a huge effort with little reward. Some platforms are easily upgraded or migrated from version to version,  others migrate away to other technologies due to insurmountable obstacles, or costs. Some platform owners look at the coming end of support for their platform with mixed emotions. Should they stay with what they know? Migrate to an entirely new platform? Or sunset the service completely. It's not fun. Let's explore what makes platform migrations so hard for some, but easy for others. Let's share what we've learned from all sorts of migrations so we can be kinder to our friends, and our future selves.